Cheap as hell. Vegan meatloaf

Cheap as hell. Vegan meatloaf

In a pot add black lentils and rice together, brown with a little olive oil then add water until covered plus 1”. Bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes then reduce heat to low/medium for 15 minutes, covered with a cocked lid.
Rice/lentil amount: Youll want to add as much as you’ll eat. The inch of water of the food accounts for the cooking period to water ratio. So you can do 4 cups of each or 2 cup, or 1/4 cup but you’ll always want 1” of water to cover the food in the pot.
Take two cans of no sodium added dark kidney beans and blend until smooth in blender/food processor.
In a large bowl mix together the rice, lentils and beans paste with salt, paprika, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, a good squirt of ketchup and yellow mustard and a heaping spoon of minced garlic and brown sugar. Add flour until a dough forms. Similar to cookie dough.
Form into loaf and put in a greased glass pan and spread a mix of your fave bbq sauce and ketchup on top and bake at 425° for 20 minutes.
May I suggest an accompaniment of steamed broccoli, spinach salad and a baked potato.