Air Fryer Cherry Pie Recipe

Air Fryer Cherry Pie Recipe

In the realm of culinary innovation, the air fryer has emerged as a versatile kitchen companion, elevating traditional recipes to new heights. One such classic treat that undergoes a contemporary metamorphosis is the Cherry Pie—a symphony of fresh cherries encased in a golden, flaky crust. This air fryer adaptation not only preserves the timeless charm of a homemade pie but also streamlines the cooking process, delivering a delectable dessert in a fraction of the time.

Cherry Filling Mastery: Begin the gastronomic journey by crafting a tantalizing cherry filling. Two cups of meticulously chosen fresh or frozen cherries, divested of their pits, harmonize with a blend of granulated sugar, cornstarch, almond extract, and a dash of lemon juice. This concoction marries sweetness and tartness, creating a vibrant filling that promises to captivate the palate.

Crafting the Cradle: Next, the canvas for this masterpiece takes shape with the pie crust. Opt for convenience with store-bought crusts or imbue the pie with a personal touch by fashioning homemade ones. The initial crust lays the foundation, cradling the sumptuous cherry filling with grace. A second crust crowns the creation, creating a harmonious union that embodies the essence of a perfect cherry pie.

Artistry in Assembly: Meticulous attention to detail distinguishes this air-fried cherry pie. The second crust is not merely laid but carefully sealed, be it through crimping or the precise use of a fork. Small slits in the crust serve as vents, allowing the aromatic steam to escape, ensuring a flawlessly cooked masterpiece. To bestow an aesthetically pleasing finish, a brush of beaten egg and a sprinkling of sugar adorn the top crust, promising a golden exterior that captivates both the eyes and taste buds.

Air Fryer Alchemy: The air fryer, preheated to a precise 375°F (190°C), becomes the stage for this culinary alchemy. Within 20-25 minutes, the pie undergoes a transformative journey. The crust turns golden brown, achieving a delicate crispness, while the cherry filling simmers and bubbles, creating a symphony of textures and flavors that harmonize into a delightful dessert.

Culinary Symphony: Allow this air-fried cherry pie to cool briefly before embarking on the final act—slicing and savoring. The result is a masterpiece that effortlessly blends tradition with modernity, encapsulating the spirit of innovation in every bite. For those seeking an elegant yet time-efficient dessert, this Air-Fried Cherry Pie promises a delightful culmination to any culinary affair—a symphony of flavors in the palm of your hands.

Air Fryer Cherry Pie Recipe


For the Filling:

  • 2 cups fresh or frozen cherries, pitted
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

For the Pie Crust:

  • 2 store-bought pie crusts or homemade if preferred

For Assembly:

  • 1 egg (beaten, for egg wash)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (for sprinkling)


1. Preheat the Air Fryer:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C).

2. Prepare the Cherry Filling:

  • In a bowl, combine the pitted cherries, granulated sugar, cornstarch, almond extract, and lemon juice. Toss until the cherries are well coated.

3. Roll Out the Pie Crusts:

  • Roll out one of the pie crusts and place it in the bottom of a pie dish or air fryer-safe pan, leaving any excess hanging over the edges.

4. Add the Cherry Filling:

  • Pour the prepared cherry filling into the pie crust.

5. Top with Second Pie Crust:

  • Roll out the second pie crust and place it over the cherry filling. You can crimp the edges or use a fork to seal the two crusts together. Trim any excess crust hanging over the edges.

6. Ventilation:

  • Cut a few small slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape during cooking.

7. Egg Wash and Sugar Sprinkle:

  • Brush the top crust with the beaten egg and sprinkle sugar over it for a golden and slightly crunchy finish.

8. Air Fry:

  • Place the pie in the preheated air fryer and cook for approximately 20-25 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly.

9. Cool and Serve:

  • Allow the pie to cool for a bit before slicing. Serve it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream if desired.