air fryer hassleback potatoes recipe

Prep Time15 mins
Cook Time35 mins


  • Air fryer
  • pastry brush


  • 34 medium potatoes Russet/ Royal dutch cream/ Red royal/purple work well.
  • 3 tbsp. oil 2 tablespoon oil for seasoning
  • 1 tbsp. garlic
  • ½ tbsp. oregano or any seasoning
  • 1 tp salt
  • salt as per taste


  • Mix chopped garlic,salt and oregano(or any seasoning) with 2 tablespoon oil,keep it aside.
  • Wash and remove any dirt from the potatoes.
  • Place the potato alongside 2 inverted spoons. Cut the potato with the knife using the spoons to prevent from cutting all the way down through the potato.(refer to picture in the post above)
  • Soak these in water again to remove any starch from the slices, else they will stick together.
  • Dry it on paper towels to remove excess water.
  • Preheat the air fryer at 200 deg C (390 F). for 10 mins. Brush 1 tbsp. oil on it. Air fry for 8 mins at 200 deg C (390 F) to make hasselback potatoes in the air fryer.
  • Apply the oil with seasoning to potatoes Air fry further for 15-16 mins at 200 deg C(390 F) or until the potatoes are cooked. Bigger potatoes will need few more minutes. Serve hot/warm.
  • While picking these up from the air fryer, be careful as they might break off,I prefer to use a turner or a spatula to pick these up.
  • Notes

    Russet type of potatoes work best for making chips at home. Here in Australia, we prefer using local variety like Royal dutch cream/ Red royal / purple.