Broccoli cheddar cheese crustless quiche

Broccoli cheddar cheese crustless quiche

In the realm of sophisticated and wholesome culinary experiences, our recipe for the “Gourmet Delight: Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Crustless Quiche” takes center stage, promising an exquisite blend of flavors and a guilt-free indulgence. Ideal for breakfast, brunch, or a light dinner, this meticulously crafted quiche elevates the humble broccoli to new heights with the rich, creamy goodness of cheddar cheese.

Ingredients Fit for Connoisseurs: To commence this culinary journey, gather the finest ingredients – 2 cups of impeccably steamed and chopped broccoli florets, and 1 cup of high-quality shredded cheddar cheese. Complementing these stars are six large eggs, ensuring a velvety texture, and one cup of milk, chosen according to your preference—whole milk or any alternative you fancy.

The Art of Harmonious Fusion: In a bowl deserving of your culinary aspirations, whisk together the eggs and milk until a seamless union is achieved. Introduce the shredded cheddar cheese into this harmonious mixture, infusing it with a symphony of flavors. Elevate the taste further with a well-balanced trio of seasonings: 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper, and a judicious blend of garlic powder and onion powder. For a subtle herbaceous note, consider adding 1/4 teaspoon of dried thyme—an optional touch that transcends the ordinary.

Assembling the Epicurean Masterpiece: Grease a 9-inch pie dish with the utmost care, setting the stage for the symphony of flavors that is about to unfold. A bed of perfectly steamed and chopped broccoli is arranged, providing the foundation for the impending culinary masterpiece. The prepared egg and cheese elixir is then poured over the verdant broccoli, promising a sensory delight that transcends mere sustenance.

A Culinary Ballet in the Oven: The orchestrated ensemble of ingredients is then invited to partake in a transformative dance within a preheated oven set to 375°F (190°C). As time unfolds, approximately 35-40 minutes, the quiche metamorphoses into a golden-brown spectacle, with the center achieving a delightful, custard-like consistency.

The Culmination: A Feast for the Senses: Emerging from the oven, the Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Crustless Quiche demands a moment of pause. Allow it to cool, permitting the flavors to harmonize and intensify. The final act involves the skilled artistry of slicing this culinary opus into wedges, each revealing a medley of textures and flavors. This gourmet delight is to be savored slowly, appreciating the artistry that unfolds with each bite.

Customize Your Culinary Symphony: Feel free to embrace your inner gastronome by introducing additional notes to this culinary symphony. Sautéed onions, vibrant bell peppers, or the savory embrace of cooked bacon are all esteemed guests invited to enhance the flavor profile, ensuring each iteration of the “Gourmet Delight: Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Crustless Quiche” is a unique masterpiece tailored to your discerning palate.

Broccoli cheddar cheese crustless quiche


  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cups broccoli florets, chopped into small pieces
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 cup skim milk (or any milk of your choice)
  • 1 cup reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cooking spray


1. Preheat the Oven:

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

2. Prepare the Vegetables:

  • In a skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion and cook until softened, about 3-4 minutes. Add the chopped broccoli florets and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes until the broccoli is slightly tender. Set aside to cool.

3. Whisk the Eggs:

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and skim milk until well combined. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Combine Ingredients:

  • Add the cooled broccoli and onion mixture to the egg mixture. Stir in the shredded cheddar cheese and mix until all ingredients are well combined.

5. Prepare the Baking Dish:

  • Coat a pie dish or a similar-sized baking dish with cooking spray to prevent sticking.

6. Pour the Mixture:

  • Pour the egg and vegetable mixture into the prepared baking dish.

7. Bake:

  • Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 25-30 minutes or until the quiche is set in the center and the top is golden brown.

8. Cool and Serve:

  • Allow the crustless quiche to cool for a few minutes before slicing. This makes it easier to cut into neat portions.

9. Enjoy:

  • Serve warm and enjoy your Weight Watchers-friendly broccoli cheddar cheese crustless quiche!

Note: The Weight Watchers points may vary based on the specific ingredients and brands you use. You can customize the recipe further by adding other veggies or spices to suit your taste preferences. Check the nutritional information on the products you use to calculate the points accurately based on your Weight Watchers plan.