Homemade miso soup

Homemade miso soup

2 cups filtered water
3 cups veggie broth
3-4 tablespoons white miso (I only had yellow miso but I think they are similar enough)
2 big pieces kombu seaweed
Few small handfuls of wakame seaweed (for that fishy taste)
1 silken tofu brick cubed
Green onions (as many as you like) I had a lot lol
***Baby bok choy – optional (I had some on hand and threw them in
***Ramen noodles-optional
***tamari (soy sauce) to taste
Bring water/broth to boil with kombu pieces for 5 min – then turn off heat. If you choose to add bok choy like I did , then you will want to boil it at this stage.
In s separate bowl I put miso and slowly stirred in cool filtered water and mixed until it was a creamy consistency.
I slowly added miso to the pot until fully incorporated. (Again make sure heat is off while you do this)
Add the tofu, some of green onions, wakame seaweed ingredients into pot and your done, use green onions for garnish.
***side note- I heated my ramen noodles separately and drained the water. Then added to my miso broth when I was ready to eat. Again, you can put anything you want to the miso broth. You can also keep it simple. I always try to use up what I have on hand