150g non-dairy margarine
150g caster sugar
300g Self Raising Flour sieved with 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 1/2 teaspoons Ener G Egg Replacer
6 tablespoons Orange Juice
3 teaspoons Coffee Extract
2 teaspoons granulated instant coffee in 1 teaspoon boiling water
1/2 tablespoon Vanilla Extract
1 tablespoon Raw Cacao Powder
2 tablespoons margarine
Icing Sugar (as much as you want)
1 teaspoon Coffee Extract
Crushed toasted nuts to decorate
Prepare one 7-8″ tin or two 6-7″ tins with parchment.
Pre-heat the oven to 150-160’C with shelf in the middle.
In a mixing bowl place the margarine and the sugar and cream together with a wooden spoon or hand whisk.
Sieve in the flour and baking powder, add salt and all of the extracts and the coffee water. DO NOT STIR YET.
In a cup or in a small blender place the ener-g egg replacer powder and the orange juice, and whisk together until foamy.
When the oven is ready, add the egg mix to the mixing bowl and quickly and thoroughly mix everything together. The mixture will immediately start forming air bubbles, so transfer it to the tin or tins, level roughly and get the tin/s into the oven. The quicker you do this the better.
Bake one tin for 40-45 minutes and two tins for 30 minutes. Check the sponge is cooked with a skewer or sharp slim knife blade – should come out clean.
Allow cake to cool for five minutes before removing.
Mix together the frosting ingredients and refrigerate. Use once the cake is fully cooled.
As with all sponges, it is best to leave it a day before cutting as the sponge edges will
Posted inVegan