Stuffed Mini Cabbage Rolls (Vegan)

Stuffed Mini Cabbage Rolls (Vegan)

Any type of cabbage leaves. (For example, I used Napa cabbage and even Romaine lettuce – that’s all I had at home. Preferable Napa, Savoy or regular White cabbage)
2 romaine lettuce, or one small or medium head of savoy cabbage. Would need around 20-25 leaves.
For the filling:
100 grams of dried pearl barley
100 grams of rice
2 medium grated carrots
Handful of finely chopped fresh herbs like parsley and dill
Finely chopped small or medium onion
2 medium finely chopped garlic cloves
Tomato paste to the taste, approx 1 tablespoon. (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
Touch of sweet paprika
Vegan/plant based butter
Touch of olive oil or any other preferred oil
For sweetness anything will do which would be vegan friendly and easy to use. (Coconut Sugar/Maple syrup?) Lot of you guys would have your favorite ingredient.
For the tomato sauce
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
Tablespoon of tomato paste
1 medium chopped onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
½ teaspoon of dried basil
½ teaspoon of dried oregano
For sweetness anything will do which would be vegan friendly and easy to use. (Coconut Sugar/Maple syrup?) Lot of you would have your favorite ingredient.
1 tablespoon of cornstarch to thicken the sauce if desired
Extras: Sliced swede and carrots to support the cabbage rolls
Cook the pearl barley and rice according to package instructions
When cooked, rinse under the cold water and place in a large bowl. Mix well, peel onion, carrots, and garlic
Garlic and onion should be finely chopped
Use the grater to grate the carrots
Chop your chosen fresh greens
On medium heat in a skillet or pan, add 1- 2 tablespoons of butter and little oil so the butter wouldn’t burn. Turn the heat down and cook onions for a few minutes, add garlic and continue cooking another minute or so. Add grated carrots and keep cooking for another 5-7 minutes. If using – mix in approx. 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
Add salt, pepper, and sweet paprika to your taste. I personally like to add a little water to the pan so the filling won’t turn out too dry and then mix in the pearl barley and rice mixture. Keep cooking on low for a few minutes longer or until filling has come together and keep tasting and adding salt and pepper if needed.
Just before turning the heat off, add your desired and chosen ingredient for little sweetness (if you are using tomato paste)
Add chopped herbs. Let it rest and cool
I personally used napa cabbage, but savoy or white regular cabbage would be perfect too (even better-but i used what i had in the fridge) Just cooking times vary. With napa and savoy cabbage it is easier to separate the leaves and prepare for blanching and filling
In a large pan bring salted water to boil (can throw in 2 bay leaves and some peppercorns)
Meanwhile separate cabbage leaves. When water is ready add a few leaves at time. Blanch for a minute or so, place them on the kitchen towel or tea towel. Keep repeating until all the leaves are done or amount required. Set them aside.
To make the sauce, add some vegan/plant based butter to the pan and a little oil. Cook the chopped onions for a few minutes and add garlic. Cook for another minute. Add oregano and basil and stir well. Add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste. Mix well and cook on low heat for about 15-20 minutes. For sweetness add anything which would be vegan friendly and easy to use. Lot of you would have your favorite ingredients. Let it cool for a bit and blend it using any available blender. Put it back in the pan and take 2 tablespoons of sauce and mix it with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and pop it back to the rest of the sauce. Simmer for a minute or 2.
Stuff each cabbage leaf with approx 1 tablespoon of stuffing with a method you would use for making wraps. Make sure rolls are firmly rolled and place them in a buttered shallow casserole dish or any chosen dish starting from outwards and working inwards (dish should allow to fit between 20 to 25 mini rolls).Place between each roll either slice of carrot or slice of swede to keep the rolls firmly in place). Gently stir in the sauce making sure it is evenly around the rolls. Any other free space is filled with leftover slices of carrots and swede (or any other chosen vegetable). Simmer the dish over low heat for about 30 min or until rolls and vegetables are soft and tender.