7 cups of flour (to be added little by little)
1 packet of fresh yeast (or 2 packets of dry yeast)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
3 cups of warm water
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of granulated sugar
Take warm water, fresh yeast, salt, sugar and olive oil in a mixing bowl and mix them. Add flour to the mixture and mix with a wooden spoon, then start kneading.
Knead the dough until it is a soft dough that sticks to the hand and leave it to ferment for 1 hour.
After it is fermented, take the air by folding it towards the middle. Take the dough out on the counter where you sprinkle some flour on it. Cut it in half with a dough cutter and divide it into meringues.
Place the meringues on a large plate sprinkled with flour and put a plastic bag on it.
Start rolling out your meringues with the help of a rolling pin on the lightly floured counter.
Take the rolled dough on a kitchen towel, cover it and leave it to ferment for 20 minutes.
Put the puffed dough on a pan that you have heated on medium heat and turn it over immediately when the edges rise slightly.
When the edges of this side rise, turn it again and fry by turning it 4 times in total. In this way, your flatbread will inflate like a balloon. Enjoy your meal.