1 Point Frozen Banana Snickers

1 Point Frozen Banana Snickers

In the realm of guilt-free indulgence, the Frozen Banana Snickers emerges as a star, blending the wholesome goodness of bananas with the irresistible allure of Snickers candy bars. This delectable treat not only tantalizes the taste buds but also offers a healthier alternative to traditional desserts. With just one point, it stands as a beacon of balance between satisfaction and wellness.

The Recipe: Begin by selecting a ripe medium banana, its sweetness intensifying as it ripens. Peel and slice it into bite-sized chunks, spreading them evenly on a parchment-lined baking sheet before nestling them in the freezer for approximately two hours. This initial chilling imparts a delightful frostiness to the bananas, elevating their texture and taste.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder with a teaspoon of powdered peanut butter, infusing the mixture with rich, nutty undertones. For those with a penchant for sweetness, a teaspoon of honey or an alternative sweetener can be incorporated, harmonizing the flavors with a gentle touch of sweetness.

With the banana chunks suitably frozen, roll them gently in the cocoa-peanut butter mixture, ensuring each piece is adorned with a delicate coating of flavor. Then, with finesse, press chopped Snickers pieces onto the enrobed bananas, each bite promising a delightful fusion of creamy chocolate, caramel, and peanuts.

Return the adorned banana Snickers bites to the parchment-lined sanctuary of the baking sheet, allowing them to luxuriate in the chill of the freezer for an additional 1-2 hours. This final freeze solidifies the decadent amalgamation, rendering it firm yet yielding to the bite, a testament to its artisanal craftsmanship.

Conclusion: Upon completion of their frozen metamorphosis, these Frozen Banana Snickers treats emerge as ambassadors of culinary innovation and health-conscious delight. With each indulgent bite, they remind us that pleasure and wellness need not exist as polar opposites but can harmonize in a symphony of flavor and nourishment. So, let us savor the Frozen Banana Snickers Sensation, a triumph of culinary ingenuity and wholesome satisfaction.

1 Point Frozen Banana Snickers


  • 1 medium banana, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon powdered peanut butter (like PB2)
  • 1 teaspoon honey or sweetener of your choice (optional)
  • 1 fun-size Snickers bar, chopped


  1. Prepare the Banana: Place the banana chunks on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for about 2 hours, or until firm.
  2. Mix Cocoa and Peanut Butter: In a small bowl, mix together the cocoa powder and powdered peanut butter. If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add honey or another sweetener to taste.
  3. Coat the Banana Chunks: Remove the frozen banana chunks from the freezer and roll them in the cocoa-peanut butter mixture until evenly coated.
  4. Add Snickers: Press the chopped Snickers pieces onto the coated banana chunks.
  5. Freeze Again: Place the coated banana Snickers pieces back on the parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for an additional 1-2 hours, or until firm.
  6. Serve: Once the banana Snickers bites are frozen, remove them from the freezer and enjoy your guilt-free, one-point treat!