Break up florets of one head of cauliflower.

Break up florets of one head of cauliflower.

Toss in desired buffalo sauce & set aside.

Preheat oven to 425°F.

Turn cupcake pan upside down and spray with nonstick oil of choice.

Cut bacon in half and place half of bacon strip on top each cupcake mound.

Wrap other half of bacon strip around cupcake mound.

Put cauliflower on one baking sheet and the upside down cupcake pan containing the bacon cups on another cookie sheet. (Make sure that baking sheet is larger than cup cake pan to catch grease.)

Cook for 25 minutes depending on thick or thin bacon. (20 min for thin sliced bacon.) In my opinion thin bacon works best because I like ‘em crunchy!

In a bowl mix 4oz of cream cheese and 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese. Add jalapeños or other ingredients as desired. Set aside

When bacon and cauliflower are done, cooking let cool.

Spoon desired cheese mixture into bacon cups.

Push desired amount of buffalo cauliflower into bacon cups & cheese mixture.

Enjoy! (Roast further if desired, but cheese gets super melty.)