Miso Eggplant (Aubergine)

Miso Eggplant (Aubergine)

Cheap if you have the pantry/fridge items (and if you don’t, I’d recommend the investment if possible)
-1x eggplant
– 2 Tbs (white) Miso paste
– 1 Tbs mirin (or substitute with something sweet)
– splash of sake (or Chinese cooking wine- just trying to add some acidity so you can substitute with whatever you have like vinegar)
– splash of sesame oil
– sesame seeds (to sprinkle on top)
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Mix together your sauce and adjust to your own taste. Cut your eggplant either in half or in four thick slices, then score in a criss-cross pattern. Spray both sides with olive oil. (If halved, pre-bake for 20 mins before adding the marinade). Spread the marinade on the eggplant and sprinkle with sesame seeds and cracked pepper. Bake for about 30 mins or until tender and golden. Soft and juicy is the goal! I didn’t have any but you can also sprinkle bits of nori (seaweed) on the top to serve. Enjoy with rice but it goes with a lot of things so there are no rules.
PS: why invest in miso? Apart from its good for you, it tastes great! Feel like soup and don’t want to make an effort? Just add a spoon of your leftover miso to a cup of hot water (mix well). No cooking required. Add tofu and nori to make it special.