-1 spelt bun with sesame and poppyseeds sliced in 3 slices
-Some plain vegan creamcheese- I used cashewbased creamcheese
– 30 gr of basil leaves
– 2 heaped tblsp nutricial yeast
– 2 tblsp of raw cashews
– 5 tblsp of good olive oils
– 2 tblsp of toasted pinenuts
– 1 tsp garlic powder
– handfull of cherrytomatoes
-Some toasted seeds- I used pumpkinseeds
Salt & Pepper
Toast the bun slices under the grill or in a pan and let it cool down.
In a foodprocessor: the basil, cashew, pinenuts, yeast, olive oil, salt&pepper and blitz to a pesto sauce.
Spead the creamcheese onto the slices, spread a genourous amout of pesto on top and ad sliced tomatoes. Top off with the toasted seeds and enjoy!
Please share results 😊
#vegansofig #love #veganism
Posted inVegan
vegan pesto cream”cheese” toasted sandwich.