Vegetarian Pasta Salad

Vegetarian Pasta Salad

Vegetarian Pasta Salad
One of my favorite meal-prep foods! It’s makes A TON of food, and is great for a quick lunch or a side dish. The best part is, you can personalize it as much as you want! Try adding cheese, tomatoes, or any of your other fave veggies!
– 1 English Cucumber
– 1 Red Bell Pepper
– 1 Head Broccoli
– 1 Can Garbanzo Beans (drained)
– 1 Can Kidney Beans (drained)
– 1 Can Sweet Corn (drained)
– 1 bottle Brianna’s Italian Vinaigrette
– 1/2 Box Bowtie Pasta
Begin by boiling pasta in salted water. While the pasta boils, cube all veggies into bite size pieces. Add veggies, beans, and corn into a large bowl. When pasta is al dente, drain in colander, and run under cold water until it is chilled. Add pasta into bowl with veggies and beans, and add bottle of vinaigrette. Start with 1/2 of the bottle, adding more to your personal preference. Serve immediately, or refrigerate until ready to eat.