Weight watchers zero point cheesecake

Weight watchers zero point cheesecake

“Enjoy a guilt-free treat with this zero-point cheesecake, perfect for adhering to your Weight Watchers plan. Simply blend fat-free Greek yogurt with sugar-free, fat-free cheesecake-flavored instant pudding mix, a dash of vanilla extract, and optional lemon juice. Sweeten to taste with a sugar substitute, chill, and serve for a creamy, satisfying dessert that aligns seamlessly with your Weight Watchers goals.”


  • 3 cups fat-free Greek yogurt
  • 1 package (0.3 oz) sugar-free, fat-free cheesecake-flavored instant pudding mix
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice (optional, for added flavor)
  • Sweetener to taste (stevia, Splenda, or any sugar substitute)


  1. Prepare the yogurt mixture:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine the Greek yogurt, cheesecake-flavored instant pudding mix, vanilla extract, lemon juice (if using), and sweetener to taste. Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  2. Chill and set:
    • Refrigerate the mixture for at least 1-2 hours to allow it to set and the flavors to meld.
  3. Serve:
    • Once set, serve the zero-point cheesecake in individual portions. You can also add fresh fruit, a drizzle of sugar-free syrup, or a sprinkle of cinnamon on top for added flavor.
  4. Storage:
    • Store any leftovers covered in the refrigerator for up to several days.