Vegan Salmon Sushi

Vegan Salmon Sushi

2 cups sushi rice
4 nori seaweed sheets
2 large carrots
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Soy sauce, for serving
Wasabi, for serving
Pickled ginger, for serving
Sesame seeds, for garnish (optional)
Sliced avocado, cucumber, or other fillings (optional)
Cook the sushi rice according to the package instructions. Once cooked, stir in the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Let the rice cool to room temperature.
While the rice is cooking, peel the carrots and slice them into thin strips resembling salmon slices.
In a small bowl, marinate the carrot strips in a mixture of soy sauce, rice vinegar, and a pinch of sugar for about 15-20 minutes to infuse flavor and mimic the taste of salmon.
Lay a bamboo sushi rolling mat on a clean surface. Place a sheet of nori, shiny side down, on the mat.
Spread a thin layer of sushi rice evenly over the nori, leaving about 1/2 inch of space at the top edge.
Arrange the marinated carrot strips in a single layer across the rice, leaving some space at the top.
If desired, add additional fillings such as sliced avocado, cucumber, or any other vegetables of your choice.
Carefully roll up the sushi using the bamboo mat, applying gentle pressure to compact the ingredients into a tight roll.
Wet the top edge of the nori with a little water to seal the sushi roll.
Repeat the process with the remaining nori sheets and ingredients.
Once all the rolls are assembled, use a sharp knife to slice them into bite-sized pieces.
Serve the vegan “salmon” sushi rolls with soy sauce, wasabi, pickled ginger, and sprinkle with sesame seeds for garnish, if desired.